Frequently asked questions

    Delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

    We offers free shipping for everyone, so we won’t charge any fees for any orders.

    How long will delivery take?

    arrival will take about 7 – 15 days after the order is processed. The process time is 24 hours.

    What to do if payment fails?

    Please contact us as soon as possible once you cannot complete the payment, we’ll guide you to complete the purchase. In general, the payment won’t fail unless you’re using a VPN, please don’t use any VPN when placing an order. If you cannot make the payment, please try another way or

    What does it feel like to have sex with a sex doll?

    You will feel like fucking a virgin while having sex with a lifelike sex doll.

    Now, many sex dolls are so similar to real ones that the sensations from penetration into them practically do not differ from sex with a real girl. The thing is that many dolls are made not just from rubber, but from soft artificial TPE and silicone. With her, you can come up with unknown poses, get up to impossible splits, the main thing is to stop in time and not get confused.